Toddlers hair

Your baby hair is very soft and light. It is often referred to as baby hair or infant's hair. Babies begin growing their head hair at around 3 months of age, which forms a soft downy fluff over the scalp; this is called vellus.

The texture of your baby's scalp and body hair changes during his development, but the type of hair stays: fine and straight in children who grow up with Caucasian or Asian parentage; soft and wavy in African American heritage; coarser and tighter curls in babies with European parentage; and tight ringlets with tightly spiraling coils in babies with Caribbean heritage. As he gets older, his fine downy hair becomes more visible all over his body because it stands out against the darker skin of the rest of his body.

His head hair isn't usually very noticeable until he is about 2 years old, when it begins to get thicker and darker, often producing a cowlick on the top of his scalp. He'll have more shiny blond curls in color until he's around 4 or 5 years old, but by then most of the baby hair will have fallen out and been replaced with new adult hairs that are coarser and darker. 

The shedding process starts at around 6 months after birth, but baby hair can come in all around that time also sometimes it takes longer for some babies to shed their baby hair while others start early too.

Hair growth

The length of an average infants' head hair varies from 1 inch (2.5 cm) at birth to 3 inches (7.6 cm) by their first birthday. At around 15 months old all toddlers begin losing their baby hair; this process can last up to three years before they grow an adult hair that is comparable with other adults'.

As previously stated not every child grows thicker hair, some are born with fine hair or not growing enough to have visible hair. Others can't produce the same amount of oil that is required for thicker hair, so they can suffer from dry scalp and might need smoothers or other treatments to get rid of the flaky skin. Although head lice are more common in children with long or thick hair, babies who have short baby hair are not immune.

If you want your baby to grow long locks it's important that he gets a balanced diet (a variety of fresh vegetables and fruit) and plenty of rest (at least 10 hours sleep at night).

You should also remember that although your child may be able to keep his head clean when bathing him, doesn't mean he'll be able to do it himself when he's older. Toddlers (and adults) should be taught how to shampoo and condition their hair from an early age so that they can maintain healthy locks when they're older.

What if your toddler`s hair doesn`t grow?

There are a few things you can do if your toddler's hair doesn't seem to be growing. The first is to make sure that he is getting enough to eat. A balanced diet with plenty of protein, vegetables, and fruit is important for healthy hair growth. You might also want to give him a vitamin supplement specifically for hair growth.

Another thing you can do is to make sure that he is getting enough rest. Most toddlers need 10 or more hours of sleep at night in order to grow and develop properly. If you're still concerned about your child's hair growth, talk to his doctor. There may be something wrong that needs treatment, such as a thyroid condition or another medical problem.

Vitamins for hair growth

If you are concerned about your baby's hair growth, there are vitamins that can help with the process. Hair Essentials is a multivitamin specially formulated for hair growth. You can give it to your child orally or mix it into his juice. It will help him grow healthy hair faster than usual and strengthen existing hair so they grow thicker and stronger.

So, for getting enough vitamins you can buy such fruits for your toddlers like blueberries, strawberries, and raspberries. All these berries are packed with vitamin C, which is essential for healthy hair growth. If you want to give your toddler a vitamin supplement for hair growth, ask your doctor about a good multivitamin that has biotin in it.

Biotin is a water-soluble B vitamin that helps the body metabolize energy and protein from food. It's also essential for the growth of new cells, including hair cells. You can find biotin in many prenatal vitamins and multivitamins specifically marketed for hair growth.

If you're looking for an over-the-counter product to help with your child's hair growth, you want to try a shampoo or conditioner that has niacin in it. Niacin is a B vitamin that helps to improve blood flow and, consequently, stimulates the scalp and increases hair growth temporarily.

Gentle cleansing

It should be enough to keep the hair clean and healthy until your infant is about 6 to 7 months old when he produces more oil than his young skin needs and needs gentle cleansing. Many feel comfortable using water and mild baby shampoos or just warm water for this process because the oils in the baby's scalp will protect it against germs and infections.

How to wash your toddler`s hair?

To keep the hair healthy and growing you should practice good hair care.

  1. Make sure you wash your toddler's hair when he is in a calm mood, not before bedtime, or other times when his mind may wander and resist being washed.
  2. Use warm water to cleanse his scalp with fingers, massage the scalp gently in a circular motion, don't use your nails because they can cause an infection if they are too sharp or dirty.
  3. Wet the strands of his baby hair with lukewarm water after you have finished massaging him, this step will help clean them whereas shampooing them would be harder due to their length. If you see that the shampoo has built up on them then apply some shampoo on his baby hair too.
  4. Rinse his hair with warm water until the shampoo is gone completely, being careful not to allow the water to run into his eyes and ears as it can cause discomfort and irritations. If you use a baby conditioner then apply it on the ends of his hair if they are dry or tangled.
  5. Rinse out all remaining products completely with lukewarm water so that there won't be any residue leftover in your toddler`s hair which will make him itch and break out in a rash.
  6. Make sure you towel him off carefully so that he doesn't get cold, especially after he has been sitting in a tub of cool water or outside on a chilly day and before dressing him again.
  7. If you have long hair, try not to let the hair fall into your toddler`s eyes while he is being washed, as it can get into his eyes and cause irritation.
  8. Brush his hair gently every day with a soft baby brush to distribute the natural oils evenly and make it more manageable. This will also help detangle any knots that may have formed.
  9. Don't use heat styling products such as a hairdryer or a curling iron on your toddler's hair until he is at least 3 years old, as they can cause serious damage to the delicate hair shaft. If you must use them, then use the lowest possible setting and a wide-tooth comb to avoid breakage.

What products to use?

If you want to wash your toddler`s hair, you have to know what shampoos or other hair products to use without irritating the scalp. You can buy a baby shampoo or just a gentle shampoo without harsh chemicals, sulfates (SLS), parabens, and phthalates.

If you have an African American heritage, using a moisturizing shampoo is necessary to prevent dryness and hair breakage. Look for shampoos that are made specifically for curly hair and contain shea butter or other natural oils.


Conditioners are not necessary for toddlers, but some people like to use them to help detangle the hair and make it more manageable. If you do use a conditioner, be sure to rinse it out completely or it will leave a sticky residue in the hair.

How to choose a good comb or brush?

When you are looking for a good brush or comb to use on your toddler's hair, be sure to choose one that is made of natural materials such as wood or bamboo, which are less likely to cause static and hair breakage. Avoid using plastic combs and brushes, which can cause static and strip the hair of its natural oils.


If you really want a haircut for your toddler, make sure it's a simple trim and not too short. Long hair is easiest to care for, but if you get tired of dealing with the tangles and knots then just get a small amount trimmed away from his face so that he will feel more comfortable during meals or being active.

Don't cut his bangs yourself. Most children have an awkward growth pattern when it comes to their bangs at this age, so bring your child to a professional hairstylist who can deal with them properly. If you insist on cutting his bangs yourself use electric clippers without any guards so that there won't be any uneven patches in his hair or jagged edges around his forehead.

How often should you cut your toddler`s hair?

You don't need to cut your toddler's hair very often, maybe every 3 or 4 months. Just trim the ends so that they are even and don't look ragged. If you wait too long then his hair will start to look scraggly and you'll have to cut off more than you intended.

Hairstyle ideas for toddlers

There are many cute and simple hairstyles that you can give your toddler to make him look more grown-up. Here are a few ideas:

  • Half up, half-down style. This is a very easy style to do and it looks cute on any toddler. just part his hair in the middle and pull the top section up into a messy bun or ponytail. Secure with a hair elastic and bobby pins if needed.
  • Pigtails or braids. Braids are a perfect way to keep little hair out of his face, and they look so sweet on toddlers. You can do two pigtails or one braid, depending on his hair length and thickness.
  • Curly bob haircut. If your toddler's hair is curly, then a bob haircut can be a good option. It will help to keep his curls from getting too frizzy and out of control. Talk to your hairstylist about giving him a light trim and adding some layers around his face to frame it nicely.
  • Mohawk style. This is a fun style that is perfect for active toddlers who want to feel like they're in charge. You'll need some gel or pomade to style the hair into a mohawk shape, and then use hairspray to keep it in place.
  • Side-swept bangs. If your toddler has straight hair, consider giving him some side-swept bangs. This will help to hide any forehead.

Final thoughts

Toddlers have much shorter hair compared to other age groups, but because of their active lifestyle they often have trouble keeping it clean and tangle-free. But if you follow these simple tips on hair care your toddler will be able to play, sleep, eat, and explore with his hair looking great!