Heating pad during pregnancy: pros and cons

What is a heating pad?

A heating pad is a device used to warm a person up. They are typically electrical and come with a strap that goes around the neck of the user. For pregnant women, a heating pad is used to help with various discomforts.

Why would you need a heating pad during pregnancy?

During pregnancy, women can experience many discomforts. Some of these include backache, sciatica, round ligament pain, expectant mothers often will have to sleep on their sides because it is difficult to lie flat on their backs due to the enlarged uterus. Using a heating pad while lying in bed or when sitting down allows a pregnant woman to keep warm and provides considerable amounts of relief.

How does it work?

Heating pads use electricity and heat to warm up. There are two types of heating pads: moist and dry. A dry heating pad uses a special kind of flannel material that heats up when plugged in and turns it into a warm, soothing experience for pregnant women.

Moist heating pads use water-activated chemical packs that will heat up the pad once you snap the little packet or push on it for several seconds. Once your baby is born, you can also use this to provide relief from sore nipples using breast shells.

What kind of heating pad should you use?

Microwave Heating Pad: This heats up by itself and can be used anywhere without the need for plugging into an electrical outlet. All you have to do is heat in the microwave for about 2 minutes then strap around your body wherever you feel pain. It will provide relief within 10-20 minutes after use without any side effects so it's considered safe to use especially for back pain.

Electric Heating Pads: These are portable and can be used anywhere as long as they have an electrical outlet nearby. They provide moist heat which is considered best to use for reducing discomforts from pregnancy. Never overfill with water or leave it plugged in after using because these pose a threat of causing injury or burns to you or your baby if not take care of properly.

Moist Heating Pad: These pads need to be soaked in hot water before use, fluffed up, and then wrapped around the body part which hurts the most. This type provides moist heat that penetrates better into your skin without any electrical parts which makes it safer especially if you never want to place it directly on the abdomen Always be sure to check the manufacturer's directions for use and take care properly to prevent injuries.

Is it safe to use during pregnancy?

Heating pads are not typically recommended by physicians to be used during pregnancy. However, if you have a strong need for it, it is best to consult your doctor before using heating pads while pregnant. Heating pad use should be limited and only when needed.

For example, if a woman is having cramps or back pain, then a heating pad should be used to provide the relief that she needs. Heating pads are typically not advised for use during pregnancy because it can raise your body temperature and also cause dryness of the skin.

Is it safe to use after giving birth?

Heating pads are often safe for postpartum recovery as well. In fact, some past studies have shown that there was no difference in risk when using heating pads before and after giving birth.

However, if you experience any discomfort while using a heating pad during this time (or anytime) or notice changes in your skin such as redness or swollen areas, stop using the device immediately and contact your physician for further instructions. Moreover, heating pads may be suitable for postpartum recovery after a cesarean section.

Do heating pads really work?

As with many things, using a heating pad works best when you know how to use it. For pregnant women experiencing back pain or other discomforts, the use of a heating pad can provide soothing relief from discomfort and let women more easily get some sleep at night. A study was done by researchers from Women & Infants Hospital of Rhode Island also showed that there were positive effects on the overall severity of symptoms in a pregnant women who used heating pads for their symptoms.

However, these benefits should be considered within reason and caution must be taken with certain devices such as moist heat pads (which have a greater risk of causing skin irritation). Additionally, it is important to remember that the use of a heating pad should be limited and not used for extended periods of time or at high temperatures.

If you're pregnant and suffering from back pain, sciatica, round ligament pain, or any other aches and pains, try using a heating pad to provide relief. Keep in mind how your child is doing while heating up with a device such as this. If you feel like there could be problems with your baby's health when using a heating pad, stop immediately and contact your physician right away.

How can you use a heating pad?

  • Moist heat pads

This type of heating pad is more common. To activate it, you just add warm water and then the material in the machine activates and heats up to a comfortable temperature for skin contact. If you decide to use this device make sure that the moist heat pad was approved by FDA ( Food And Drug Administration).

  • Dry Heat Pads

There are some dry heating pads available on the market today that only require you to activate it before using them. You can choose from different sizes such as small or large sizes depending on your preference. There is also a special kind of heating pad called Microwave Heating Pad which is most preferred by pregnant women because they like its design and several advantages over other heating pads.

All of these heating pads can be used while you are pregnant and safe to use especially when your pregnancy is at the stage where the pain in the back, hip, shoulder, or any other body part is developed. When choosing a heating pad, always check for FDA labeled seal before using it. Never forget that your safety and comfort should come first while using this device while pregnant.

How hot should a heating pad get? It is best if the heating pad does not exceed 102 degrees Fahrenheit. If it does, try placing a towel or cloth between your skin and the heating pad.

How long should you do it? Never leave a heating pad on for more than 30 minutes. Also, keep an eye out for signs of overheating such as feeling very warm while using it or experiencing hot spots on the device itself. If this happens, stop using it immediately and contact your doctor. Heating pads are not recommended by doctors for pregnant women so don't overuse them because some effects can do harm to the baby or even cause miscarriages.

Can you use a heating pad in front of the abdomen?

Heating pads are never safe to place directly on any part of your body, especially in front of the abdomen. There is concern that doing this could lead to birth defects and even miscarriage. The American Pregnancy Association stressed that pregnant women should not use heating pads at all to provide relief for back pain or other discomforts during pregnancy. 

However, some moist heat pads may be safe to use in the short term without problems; but if you experience any redness or swelling, discontinue using it immediately and see your physician for further instructions.

Is it harmful to put a heating pad near my breasts?

Never use a heating pad directly near the breast area as it may promote cancer growth due to its continuous warmth. It's best if you avoid using heating pads around the breast area to ensure safety while pregnant. However, one safe alternative is using infrared heat lamps like those made by Doterra. Infrared lights are considered completely safe to use.

How can you take care of a heating pad?

Always make sure to read the manufacturer's instructions before using a heating pad to prevent any possible injuries while pregnant. For moist heat pads, never overfill the device with water and check for leakage regularly. Also, keep an eye out for frayed cords on a dry heat pad because these could lead to shocks and electrical accidents causing harm to you or your baby. Always unplug from outlet when finished using it and store in a cool place if not in use.

What are some side effects of using a heating pad?

According to experts, there are no serious problems linked directly to the use of a heating pad during pregnancy but it is best to be safe than sorry so don't overuse it. Some pregnant women use heating pads with no problems at all, however, there are also cases where some experienced vaginal bleeding or even contractions. It is possible that overusing a heating pad increases the risk of these side effects during pregnancy so it's best not to take any chances when using this device.

Some Pregnancy Tips

Always unplug the heating pad after each use and store it in a cool place (Not freezer or refrigerator). Never put directly on the skin and never overfill with water because this could lead to electric shock causing injury. Use moist heating pads instead. Also, avoid using any kind of heating pad near the breast area as it may promote cancer growth due to its continuous warmth.

Be sure to check manufacturers' instructions for proper use before applying especially if you plan on using it as a back support during pregnancy as it may lead to birth defects such as low fetal weight which is caused by prenatal pressure. To take care of yourself properly, make sure you read through all manufacturer's instructions carefully before use.

Remember, it's best to avoid using heating pads as much as possible and definitely don't sit or sleep on them because this could cause problems like blood clots, fatigue, and even heart attacks.

To reduce discomforts from pregnancy, there are many alternative ways available such as: taking a warm bath, drinking some tea with lemon juice and honey, doing yoga, or taking regular walks outside during cool weather. Never use any kind of heating pad near the abdomen directly as it may increase the risk for certain types of cancer growth due to its warmth which penetrates deeply under the skin surrounding reproductive organs.

What are the alternatives to heating pads?

During pregnancy, it is important to learn any possible pregnancy complications that may occur while using heating pads. According to medical experts, there are no serious problems linked directly to the use of a heating pad during pregnancy but it is best to be safe than sorry so don't overuse it.

There are many alternative ways available such as taking a warm bath, drinking some tea with lemon juice and honey, doing yoga, or taking regular walks outside during cool weather. To reduce discomforts from pregnancy, you can also try things like massage, aromatherapy, acupuncture, and reflexology. These methods are considered completely safe for pregnant women.

Can you make a DIY heating pad at home?

There are so many ways to make a heating pad at home but it's best to just stick with using moist heat pads that you can easily buy from any pharmacy or drug store because dry heat pads have limited benefits during pregnancy.

It is important not to overfill water into your homemade heating pad because this could lead to electric shock causing problems for both mother and baby. It is also vital not to use any kind of heating pad near the breast area because it may promote cancer growth due to its warmth which penetrates deeply under the skin surrounding reproductive organs.


There are many different benefits of using heating pads for pregnant women but it is best to be safe than sorry as there can be certain side effects such as vaginal bleeding and contractions. To decrease any discomforts from pregnancy, you should definitely try alternative methods such as taking a warm bath, drinking some tea with lemon juice and honey, doing yoga or taking regular walks outside during cool weather.