Shaving for a boy

When should a boy start shaving?

This varies for every boy; but, the best time to shave is once a teen has hit puberty and has experienced some hair growth on his face. A teen will usually begin shaving around age 12-14. Some boys may not be ready until 16 or 17 years of age.

Male teens should vary their shaving patterns when they first start shaving in order to find out how their facial hair grows in best. For example, some males may go with three days between shavings while other guys may choose five days between shaves.

What are the benefits of shaving?

Shaving helps guys look neater and cleaner. If males shave with the grain on their face, they will end up getting a closer shave; therefore, there is less of a chance that hair follicles will become irritated by shaving too close to their skin.

When hair is shaved against the grain, it can lead to ingrown hairs underneath the skin if it gets pushed back into the skin or starts growing in an odd direction.  

How to choose a fitting razor?

Teens should choose a razor that is easy to handle. The teen should be able to grip the handle of the razor without it slipping out of their hands or cutting themselves. Teens can also try electric razors for shaving purposes as well, but will still need to use a regular razor on areas of their face that are hard to reach with an electronic shaver.

To choose a razor your teen has to consider the shape of their face. If they have an oval-shaped face, then it will be best for them to choose a razor that has thin blades. For teens with square faces, thick blades would probably work better.

How often should boys shave?

Teens should try shaving at least once every three days so that they can avoid having nasty stubble on their faces. Shaving more frequently than this could irritate the teen's sensitive skin and cause issues for them later on in life like ingrown hairs, acne outbreaks, rashes or other skin problems that could arise from shaving too much. 

When your teen starts shaving, he may end up cutting himself by accident; therefore, it is important for parents to teach their son to shave properly and with a certain degree of safety.

The best way a teen can learn to shave is by having their parent watch them do it the first few times they try shaving on their own. Once a teen feels confident in their abilities, they can quickly begin shaving without parental supervision.

Teens need to be very careful when shaving around their Adam's apple as this area is quite sensitive and requires steady hands when performing the task of shaving.

How to prepare skin for shaving?

Teens should always wash their face with soap and water before shaving to get rid of any dirt, sweat or oil that could be on their face. This process can clear off excess hair follicles which allows for a closer shave.

A teen should also apply some form of pre-shave product or gel when necessary if they are having issues with getting a close shave after they clean their face. These products will help lift facial hair up off the skin so it is easier for them to cut down against the grain during the shaving process.

To avoid irritations, teens should use a sharp razor with quality blades.

What shaving methods can be used?

There are several different ways that boys can shave; therefore, it is best for them to test out each method until they find one that works best for their facial hair growth patterns and for their skin type.

Some of the most common shaving methods include:

Wet Shaving – This method involves using water, foam or gel on your face before applying a razor. Some males may choose to do five short strokes up their facial hair growth pattern instead of going back and forth with the razor. After this, simply rinse off your face and reapply more lubrication if necessary before running the blade over your skin again.  

Dry Shaving – Some males may choose to shave without either water or foam on their face before using the razor. If you choose this method, then it is best to use a sharp razor that has quality blades. Holding onto the skin-tight will help get rid of any tugging or pulling sensations while shaving.  

Electric Razor Shaving – These razors are excellent for teens with sensitive skin because they are less likely to irritate it than regular or disposable razors would do. Electric razors also provide teens with an easier way to shave all areas of their face especially around their necks and under their beards where hairs tend to grow in different directions.

How to moisturize the skin after shaving?

After a teen has finished shaving, they should clean their face with warm water and pat it dry so that the natural oils from their face may come back. Teens should use a moisturizer that has an SPF property if they have sensitive skin as this will help protect them from UV rays that may irritate their skin further.

How to prevent ingrown hairs?

The best way for preventing ingrown hair is by getting rid of as many hair follicles as possible before you shave. You can do this by exfoliating your skin on a regular basis and/or using pre-shave products or gels.

Another thing teens can do after they finish shaving is to apply an antibacterial scrub onto any areas where they have experienced shaving irritation.

How to avoid razor burn?

If a teen has problems with excessive redness, inflammation, and irritation of the skin after shaving then they should try using an electric shaver. If this does not work, then they may want to consider applying some sort of over-the-counter topical anti-inflammatory product or gel that can help get rid of their symptoms.

Teens who feel as though they are prone to developing the occasional case of razor burn would benefit from applying a lubricating pre-shave lotion before going in with a razor on any areas where it is prone to occur. These products will make facial hair easier for teens to cut down against the grain during the shaving process which will further prevent the likelihood of getting razor burn afterward.

How to prevent nicks and cuts?

The easiest way for preventing nicks is by doing one swipe with the razor up against the direction of their hair growth before reapplying shaving lotion, foam or gel onto your face before running it back across their skin again.

After this, simply do several short strokes instead of going back and forth with the razor in order to do away with any tugging or pulling sensations while shaving.  

In addition to these tips, teens should only apply light pressure when they are using a sharp blade on their face because too much pressure can cause nicking problems as well.

How to clean a razor?

Maybe it is enough just to wash a face razor with water before and after shaving. But you also can use a special brush for cleaning the skin from remains of foam or gel.

For proper storage, it is better to use a protective cap for blades, which are stored separately from the handle, because this prevents damaging them when they are pushed against any hard surfaces. If you want your razor to last longer - do not try to cut too long hair at once - do not press on the blade too strong or wash it under running water.

How often should one replace their razors?

Teens who shave regularly should consider replacing their razor blades every two weeks in order to minimize tugging and pulling sensations that could irritate their skin further. If you notice that your razor is pulling on the facial hair instead of cutting it cleanly, then you may want to replace it with a new one.  

Teens should avoid using disposable razors if they are prone to developing ingrown hairs, razor burn or shaving bumps because they can make these problems even worse than they already are after doing so.

7 tips for a teen boy about shaving

  1. Use warm water to wet your face.
  2. Apply shaving cream or gel onto your face using a shaving brush that has soft bristles.
  3. Shave with the grain of your hair, not against it.
  4. Rinse off your blade before it becomes too hot, after four to five strokes.
  5. If you are prone to ingrown hairs, razor bumps or sensitive skin then apply some products containing tea tree oil or other natural ingredients which are known for helping fight against these types of symptoms while shaving due to their antiseptic properties and anti-inflammatory attributes which can help improve skin problems further when applied topically onto the skin in moderation over time while keeping skin free from bacteria and other nasties.
  6. If you want your razor to last longer - do not try to cut too long hair at once - do not press on the blade too strong or wash it under running water.
  7. Apply a moisturizing aftershave product to help prevent dry skin problems such as flaking and itching sensations that can occur afterward due to potential irritation from shaving in this sensitive area of the body.

When should you talk about it with your teen?

It is recommended for parents to talk about shaving with their teen boys when they are about 13 years old, but you can still have conversations about the topic at any age depending on what kind of activities your teen gets involved in.

How should you talk about it? The conversation itself does not need to be formal, because teens are more likely to listen if you explain things in an informal manner while using visuals such as videos or pictures which makes them easier for teens to understand the concept better overall. It also helps if you show empathy and concern towards anything that has happened during the process of shaving before giving them final tips and pieces of advice before ending the discussion.

A boy should know that he can ask for help if the process is too complicated to do by himself because it might be his first time shaving down there too.

You need to teach your son about proper shaving techniques in order to minimize any skin irritation or other problems which may lead to injuries when done incorrectly over time, especially in this area of the body where the skin is more sensitive than usual due to being much thinner overall.

It is important that a boy learns how often they should shave in order to avoid ingrown hairs and other common issues that can result from shaving in this region regularly, so they have enough information before starting the process in general.

Final words

Teens should consider replacing their razor blades every two weeks in order to minimize tugging and pulling sensations that could irritate their skin further. Teens should avoid using disposable razors if they are prone to developing ingrown hairs, razor burn or shaving bumps because they can make these problems even worse than they already are after doing so.

A teen boy should know that he can ask for help if the process is too complicated to do by himself because it might be his first time shaving down there too. You need to teach your son about proper shaving techniques in order to minimize any skin irritation or other problems which may lead to injuries when done incorrectly over time, especially in this area of the body where the skin is more sensitive.